Santamarina Steta

National program for the prevention and comprehensive management of waste 2022-2024

December 2022 | Printable version

  • The National Program for the Prevention and Integral Management of Waste 2022 - 2024 establishes objectives, strategies, and indicators to avoid the generation of waste or, rather, to ensure that waste is managed integrally in a way that does not affect the environment or third parties.
  • Among the most important strategies are the federal and state modification and updating, and municipal environmental regulations that regulate hazardous waste, special management, and urban solids.
  • It is always a good time to change consumption habits, be responsible for waste and implement actions to ensure you do not pollute.

On December 5, 2022, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT) published in the Official Gazette of the Federation the National Program for the Prevention and Integral Management of Waste 2022-2024 (“the Program”).

Through objectives, goals, and guidelines, the Program will have binding effects on SEMARNAT itself and the state and municipal environmental authorities to avoid environmental contamination and damage to health caused by the mismanagement of hazardous, unique, and solid urban waste.

Priority Objectives of the Program

1. Increase the capacity of the urban solid waste recycling market: There is an irrational use of natural resources and with it, an equally irrational generation of waste. For this reason, efforts will be made to promote the separate collection of waste and strengthen recycling.

2. Adapt the rules for comprehensive waste management: Since the current regulations have not been able to prevent contamination from waste.

3. Promote the creation of infrastructure and equipment necessary for the sustainable management of waste: Therefore, it will seek to create equipment that allows the collection, separation, and treatment of waste.

4. Professionalize, develop, and strengthen service providers (formal and informal) involved in waste management.

5. Create a responsible culture with the generation and management of waste: All productive sectors participate in the generation of waste, so each one must assume that responsibility.

Program Strategies

The Program establishes priority strategies, specific actions, and indicators to promote the participation of all sectors in the responsible management of waste, the increase in recycling, comprehensive solutions for waste management, and the creation of infrastructure to ensure effective control. Among which stand out:

1. Create mechanisms for the promotion and public support of the recycling market and the economic recovery of by-products, to avoid the generation of waste.

2. Implement processes and technological improvements to promote the prevention of waste generation, through the commercialization of by-products and recoverable materials.

3. Promote responsible consumption, as well as the prevention and reduction of the generation, recovery, and final disposal of urban solid waste.

4. Strengthen regulations for waste management.

5. Increase inspection and surveillance work.

What do we propose?

Each one must be responsible for their consumption of resources, prevent the generation of waste as far as possible, carry out the proper management of the waste generated, make sure that it is reused or recycled and as a last resort, safely confined.

In the case of companies, it is recommended to verify that waste management is carried out by the legislation under the protection of a registry as an updated generator. In addition, to verify that the transport and final disposal of waste is carried out by duly authorized companies.

To consult the official publications, please refer to:

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Claudia Rodríguez
Mexico City
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