Santamarina Steta

Mexico-China Bilateral Relationship: Business Opportunities

More than 40 years have passed since the People's Republic of China (PRC) opened its economy to the world, implementing the so-called Gaige Kaifang or "Reform and Opening" implemented by Deng Xiaoping. The objective of this series of reforms was to repudiate Maoism and open up to the world, making the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) go from representing 1.75% of the global economy to concentrating 15% of world wealth, thus becoming the second largest economy in the world and the leading manufacturing powerhouse.

Mexican investment in China: keys to its expansion

Due to the rapprochement that Mexico and China have had in recent years, the bilateral investment opportunity could not be better. Despite the above, before making any decision it is advisable to analyze the current business situation, what are your goals, objectives, what you want to achieve in the short, medium, and long term, and prevailing restrictions in China in the face of the global situation.

Continue reading the document here.

Jorge León Orantes
